Why Australia will be a superpower of armwrestling in 5 years time.

Why Australia will be a superpower of armwrestling in 5 years time.

(Feature Picture: Marcus Atirai, Ryan Bowen, Lachlan Adair)

Okay, before the critics come pouring in on this one and fill Reddit with more Ryan Bowen is a loser posts let me clarify, this is my opinion. A firm opinion, that I really believe will come to fruition, but still, just an opinion. That said, please hold me accountable to this. In 2025 please post this article and ridicule me if I'm wrong; but I'll bet I'm right, I usually am with visions like this.

If you think of superpower nations in Armwrestling countries like Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Khazakstan, and USA come to mind. The words Australia and armwrestling have historically been ridiculed as nothing special. Many elite pullers themselves have made statements such as "nothing good comes out of Australia in Armwrestling" or "Yeah, but you only beat an Australian", so why on earth do I believe Australia will be a superpower in 5 years time?

(Pictured: Mario Tambakis, Ryan Bowen)

A few reasons; the first is the culture of Australians and Australian Armwrestlers. Australian sporting culture isn't something to take lightly. It is incredibly difficult to name a sport that Australians participate in where the nation hasn't produced a world champion. There is an intense competitive nature to Australians that inherently produces high quality sports men and women. The second part is the culture of Australian Armwrestling specifically. As Devon Larratt described it, Brisbane is one of the best places to train for armwrestling in the world. In the Brisbane club we have at least 5 athletes genuinely with the goal of becoming the world champion. All of these athletes take this mission deadly seriously, and are incredibly consistent and calculated in their approach. These athletes have engaged with the world's best coaches, travel and compete consistently, and in my opinion show all the hallmarks of future world champions. The flow on from that is an enormous region of 100+ pullers within 30 mins drive of each other that provide depth and a quality of armwrestling that is very difficult to find anywhere in the world.

(pictured: 18yo Ethan Tunstall, Ryan Bowen)

In addition to Brisbane there are clubs like this in every capital city, and more importantly Australia is incredibly United in our organisation of events. All pullers are firmly behind the one Australian Armwrestling Federation (AAF). The AAF works so efficiently with sponsors like Panduit and media companies like Pound for Pound ARMWRESTLING that the result is a harmonious and united national effort among all armwrestlers.

It is this truly united culture combined with the obsessive drive of our top athletes that will achieve the goal. Names like Lachlan Adair, Ben Carol, Ryan Scott, Jordan Davis, Sam Burnett, Ethan Tunstall, Mario Tambakis, Andrew Lee, Brett Coutts and Marcus Atirai, are names whom are really driving up the standard of professionalism. These names are all names I believe have the potential to achieve a world champion title, and many of them I believe will do exactly that within this next 5 year period.

(Pictured: Ryan Bowen, 20yo Sam Burnett)

The best indicator of this prediction is going to come at the 2021 Zloty Tur. I'll put it out right now, that the 2021 zloty Tur is going to be shocked at the size and quality of the Australian team that turns up. Multiple athletes within the team have a genuine shot at winning the title and everyone who attends from the team will impress.

So, do you agree? Or is this another delusional Ryan Bowen post? Only time will tell; but I've been saying it for a long time, and more and more significant armwrestlers are starting to see it too.



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